Primary and Middle School

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Lead Curriculum

In our school for the last two years, students have been learning through Lead curriculum which is an integrated curriculum from Singapore...

According to Valluvar, students learn their subject concepts through three types of learning namely action learning, interdisciplinary learning and conceptual learning.
Which forms the basis of this curriculum.
Through this kind of learning, students' English language is taught as ELGA- English language and general awareness where students learn English according to their level of language.

In Maths, students learn using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.

In Computers, they learn about each part and its uses and how to use it.

In Science, students learn 25% by doing an activity themselves, 25% by watching videos, and working with their fellow students. After learning 25 percent by doing the activity, teachers teaches the concept 25 percent by explaining the concept 100 percent learning by understanding, observing, thinking, applying. A concept is 2 days of activities, 2 days of student explanation, 2 days of quiz activity and remaining 14 days. They also learn for 20 days as classroom teaching for each Unit. They also write the workbook with the help of the teacher and with the help of fellow students in the form of self-writing. From time to time, student-led seminar (SLC) and student-led movement (SLM) activities are created to show the skills of the students. Training is conducted thrice a year for teachers by LEAD experts who also monitor and mentor the teachers at regular intervals.